Terms of Use

The contents of this website ('the Site') are available to users only on the terms below.

This Site is property of 3D Parking Ltd, registered in England under Number 5676135 whose registered office is at International House, 24 Holburn Viaduct, City of London, EN1A2BN

Copyright Notice
© 2017 3D Parking Ltd. All Rights Reserved. The design, photographs and text appearing on this website are the exclusive property of 3D Parking and are protected under copyright laws. 3D Parking logos are trademarks of 3D Parking Ltd. All other trademarks shown on this website are the property of their respective owners.

Our Liability
The information on this site has been included in good faith but it is for general information only and should not be relied on for any specific purpose. No representation or warranty is given by us or our content providers as regards to the accuracy of information on this website and there shall be no liability for any loss, damage or expense arising out of any information contained on this site, access to, use of or inability to use our Website.

Online Payments
Any payment made through this website relates to payments of Parking Charge Notices. Once payment of a Parking Charge Notice has been made, any request for a refund must be made in writing following the appeal route stated on your notification.

Parking Appeals
If submitting an appeal by emaill, we can only process your correspondence if you enclose:

1. The Parking Charge Notice number,
2. Vehicle Registration Number and
3. Full Name and Postal Address.

Parking Charge Notices are corresponded via our Appeals Department but only if received within 28 days from the notification to keeper/driver. You may appeal using our online appeal page: www.parkingappeal.co.uk or by post by writing to: TPS UK, PO Box 7135, Kettering, NN16 6BP, or by email at info@3dparking.co.uk

Please ensure to state the grounds of your appeal clearly and include any relevant inforamation. If the Parking Charge is disputed, we can only deal with the dispute in writing. Upon receiving this information, and if you have submitted your correspondence within 28 days, we will halt any further action until we respond to your appeal. We aim to respond to you within 35 days of receiving your appeal. If we decline your appeal, we will supply you with the contact details for Independent Appeals Service (IAS) - the independent appeals service. All information and processes will be provided to you at the time.

Your Obligation
You will not use our Website for any unlawful purpose such as:

  • providing inaccurate, false, or misleading information
  • posting material containing viruses or interfere with the functionality of this site or modify any of the software coding
  • intercept, accessing without authority any data or personal data as defined in the Data Protection Act 2016

You agree to compensate us in respect of any losses, claims and liabilities incurred as a result of any breach of these terms of use